Security Servies

We provide businesses with a broad range of security services, covering all types of organizational IT assets. Our objective is to help create protected IT ecosystems where each building block is strong enough to resist a cyber attack.

Software-level security

Security features are integral to all solutions we deliver. We also deploy available security updates to the software in place and deliver custom security enhancements. 

Network monitoring

We set up 24/7 network monitoring to ensure permanent control over network elements (servers, firewalls, routers, switches, etc.) and keep an eye on their safe operation and integrity.

Infrastructure protection

Our team sets up security solutions and practices to shield enterprises’ IT infrastructures, including hardware and software assets, from potential cyber attacks.

Security code review

Our security engineers look into applications to inspect their security at the code level. The key goal of such code reviews is to make sure that the code doesn’t contain errors and that security controls are implemented correctly and operate as intended. By verifying every line of code, we ensure that applications have no blind spots and can withstand attacks.


We analyze the systems to be tested, identify their role in the environment as well as key parameters and required configurations.


We examine requirements of the tested systems’ normal behavior and expected reactions in response to a cyberattack.


Based on the compliance guidelines and the customer’s business context, we configure and launch vulnerability scanners.


We report on the discovered vulnerabilities and their potential impact on company-wide security in detail.